Welcome to NEMARC, the Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Club and Contest Society website!

One more Q!

Hi, my name is Scott Davis, N3FJP, and I'd like to tell you about the Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Club (NEMARC). We use the term "club" loosely. We don't elect officers or collect dues. We are all about having fun, building friendships and sharing our enjoyment of Amateur Radio with a minimum of structure. We've been having a blast and going strong since August 24, 2003, when we first set up our e-mail group!

Centered in Harford County, we welcome all hams in the Northeast Maryland area including Harford, Baltimore, Cecil, York and surrounding counties. In fact, if you are within a 175 mile radius of Bel Air, MD, we would love to have you join, chase DX (distant stations) and contest with us!

Some of our favorite activities include chasing DX on HF, participating in HF and VHF contests, antenna experimentation, CW, SSB and digital modes. We even have our own ARRL affiliated contest club (which, by necessity, is slightly more organized) - the Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Contest Society with club call sign NE3MD!.

If you have never contested before, it is great fun and we will help you get started. Even if you only make a few contacts, every QSO you make helps our club score, so please join in with us!

Did you know that there are almost 500 hams in Harford County alone? We all share the common bond of Amateur Radio and very likely have many similar interests, but most of us have never communicated with more than a handful of the hams in our area. NEMARC's goal is to open the pathways to connect, support, have fun and build friendships via our e-mail reflector and virtual clubhouse for sharing all aspects of Amateur Radio and related interests. A small list of our many collective interests include antennas, astronomy, Club Log, computers, contesting, CW Practice, Digial NEMARC Reflector, DX, electronic principles, emergency preparedness, Meshtastic, Field Day, packet, propagation, QRP, testing sessions, satellites, software and weather. We are even developing our own YouTube channel!

2025 NEMARC members. Click and scroll to zoom in and see even more!

When you join NEMARC, there are no obligations. In fact, membership is just a matter of subscribing to the e-mail reflector, hanging with us in our virtual clubhouse and joining us on the air to connect and share the great hobby of Amateur Radio.

A number of us work from home or are otherwise engaged in home activities nearly full time, so we are often signed in and accessible in our virtual clubhouse daily. Please stop in and say hi!

Here is a concise, three minute video that will help you get a sense of what we are all about:

Thanks for taking the time to learn about NEMARC!

Please e-mail me if you have any questions.

73, Scott